



While Aquinas officially opened its 6th grade in September 2015, 新家庭可能仍有疑问. Here, we've compiled the answers to some of your most frequently asked questions. 


  • 六年级在哪里?

    The 6th grade is self-contained as part of the new middle school model located on the third floor of our main building in the south wing. The 6th grade classrooms are located in close proximity to a stairwell, 洗手间和主办公室.

    Though the 6th grade students have access to the numerous outstanding facilities that Aquinas has to offer, they move as an entire class with adult supervision when visiting different areas of the school.
  • 六年级的课程是什么?

    The 6th grade curriculum meets and exceeds the New York State core curriculum. The curriculum includes Math, English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Religion. LOTE课程, 体育课, 美术, 技术, and library skills further enhance the 6th grade schedule. Field trips outside of school are utilized to enhance the curriculum.
  • 六年级学生有着装要求吗?

    The 6th graders wear the current Aquinas 中学 uniform, along with the 7th and 8th graders. The uniform must be purchased through one of Aquinas' approved uniform vendors:  Stichworks or Lands’ End. 

    For specific information on the uniform, please review the current 阿奎那中学家长/学生手册.
  • 六年级学生可以参加体育项目吗?

    Aquinas 6th grade students have the opportunity to participate in CYO sports programs, as well as intramural programs held here at the school. 

    Please note, New York State law does not allow for 6th grade students to play modified sports.
  • 你们有什么课外活动?

    Our 6th graders are as active and involved as 7th-12th grade students at Aquinas. Some of the co-curricular opportunities our 6th graders participate in include:
    • 乐高机器人
    • 学生会
    • 校内的
    • 剧院/即兴表演
    • 年鉴
    • 仪器的教训
    • 读书俱乐部
    • 的电子竞技
    • 电子游戏俱乐部
    • 艺术俱乐部
    • 爱尔兰小举重俱乐部 
  • 六年级学生可以获得哪些资源?

    Our 6th graders have access to all of the resources that our 7th and 8th graders have, such as:
    • State-of-the-art classrooms with Interactive Whiteboards and LCD projection systems
    • 戴尔纬度 5400 笔记本电脑,一llowing our students to be creators of content, not just tablet consumers.
    • Black box theatre, art, choir and band rooms to enhance all fine art programs
    • Fieldhouse and fitness center for 体育课 classes
    • 玛丽P. 黑斯廷斯 & 安K. 韦格曼图书馆,外加两个计算机实验室
    • A full-time classroom aide will be provided for every two sections of 6th grade classes
  • 六年级学生的交通是如何提供的?

    All local school districts are required to provide yellow school bus transportation to Aquinas. Our 6th grade teachers ensure students get on the appropriate bus.
  • How will religion be a part of my child’s 6th grade experience?

    Faith is a key component of all Aquinas students’ lives here and that is no different for our 6th graders. We start every Monday by gathering as a 6-12 grade community in the auditorium to begin the week with prayer and a celebration of our Aquinas family. Sixth graders also take part in daily prayer, as well as religion class. Also, 6th graders attend monthly school-wide masses and take part in community service.
  • 六年级的学费是多少?

    学费 and fees for 6th grade for the 2024-2025 academic year for is $9,210美元,外加200美元的注册费.

    Typically, Aquinas’ tuition for grades 6-12 will increase 5% each year.
  • 有学术奖学金吗??

    Academic excellence is a staple of every grade at Aquinas, including the 6th grade. The two 中学 Merit 奖学金 available to incoming 6th graders include:

    • Any new student entering 6th or 7th grade with an average of 92 or above in his/her previous year’s core courses (English, 社会研究, 数学, 科学与宗教, if applicable) will receive a $750 scholarship for his/her first year at Aquinas.

    肯尼斯P. Schleich ' 46分班考试奖
    • All placement test takers, including current AQ 6th graders are eligible
    • 学生 with the top 5 scores on this exam receive a one-time $1,000 scholarship
  • 你们提供经济援助吗?

    感谢我们慷慨的校友和阿奎那的朋友, our $20 million endowment allows us to award 60% of Aquinas students with more than $1 million in financial aid and/or scholarships each year. The average financial aid currently given to middle school students (grades 6-8) is $2,500.
    Aquinas uses 事实管理 for 金融援助 and will only review the applications of families that have officially enrolled. Families who wish to be considered for financial aid must apply each year their son or daughter attends The Aquinas Institute.
  • 我如何申请?

    To begin the admissions process, students should submit an application through the Aquinas website, 6udk.520yk.com. When submitting an application, parents will be asked to create an account. This account will allow parents to login and track the progress of their child’s application. The Office of Enrollment will also require the most recent report card from the current school year, 去年的期末成绩单, and any standardized test scores that your current school has on file. 

    Potential students will then be required to sit for a placement examination—dates to be announced.

    Please note that class sizes are capped at 22 students for each section. Additional sections will be added depending on enrollment.

    有关其他入学问题, please contact the Aquinas Enrollment Office at (585) 254-2020, Ext. 1071.
(585) 254-2020
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